Video road test: Triumph Speed Triple R

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These are the headlines for November the 27th, 2012.

Video road test: Triumph Speed Triple R

There's nothing exceptional to point out on the Triumph Speed Triple R's spec sheet. Its power figures are quite modest compared to the big guns in this day and age, it doesn't look particularly special, and it doesn't come loaded with sophisticated rider aid technology like a lot of the bikes we've reviewed lately. And yet, I've never had so much fun on two wheels, or fallen so hard for a bike so fast. So what is it about this snub-nosed British bad boy that makes it such a compelling ride?

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Peak Design looks to put cameras on a Leash

Feeling pretty good about last year's Capture Camera Clip, Peak Design is back with another camera-hauling accessory. The Leash is a versatile neck strap that quickly adjusts into a sling, safety tether or video stabilizer.

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Prototype robots autonomously strip paint from aircraft using lasers

If you think stripping paint off an end table can be a messy, time consuming job, imagine removing paint and other coatings from an aircraft like the C-130 transport plane. Tasked with developing a robotic system that would take such a chore out of the hands of maintenance personnel, Carnegie Mellon University's National Robotics Engineering Center (NREC) and Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, developed a team of robots that gets the job done – using laser beams, no less.

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The Leatherman Raptor: a multi-tool built to save lives

Having the right tool can make all the difference in a life-or-death situation, as multi-tool manufacturer, Leatherman, knows full well. That's why the Oregon-based company's latest product is a pair of medical shears designed specifically for military and civilian emergency medics. The Raptor is equipped with a range of features and tools aimed at helping field medics get people out of dangerous situations and into proper medical care as quickly as possible.

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Nebula 12 concept generates indoor clouds based on meteorological data

Zurich's Micasa Lab, the team responsible for the iRock and Cocoon 1, has developed yet another off-the-wall concept with the Nebula 12. Like the art of Berndnaut Smilde, the Nebula 12 concept produces indoor clouds, but Micasa Lab has gone one step further by using meteorological data so that it provides a representation of the forecast weather.

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High-tech desks help kids do better at math

Mathematics has always been one of those subjects that poses a lot of difficulties for some young students. In the 3-year SynergyNet project conducted by Britain's Durham University, however, it was found that something might help – multi-user multi-touch networked desks.

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Kata Revolver-8 camera bag stores lenses like a loaded pistol

A professional photographer needs to be able to grab their camera and any equipment at a moment's notice, and Kata has been producing camera bags with this in mind for years. For its newest lightweight bag, the company seems to have taken some inspiration from a style of handgun, to produce a backpack that can help swap lenses much more efficiently. The Revolver-8 PL backpack stores a DSLR camera and dispenses up to five lenses from a rotating internal chamber that can be readily accessed through a side opening.

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BioFloat bicycle seatpost lets the seat move with the rider

For a great many people, one of the most unpleasant aspects of cycling is feeling every little bump in the road, transmitted through the seat and into their butt. Various companies have responded by offering suspension seatposts, such as the BodyFloat and the CF3 Pro Carbon. While those and others soak up some vibrations by flexing up and down, the prototype BioFloat seatpost takes things further – it functions as a shock absorber, but it also allows the seat to move around sort of like the head on a bobblehead doll, moving with the rider's pelvis instead of pressing into it.

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Identity Crisis: Prindiville's electric Hummer

The Hummer is the poster child for the big, gas-guzzling mentality of decades past that's categorically shunned in today's eco-sensitive world. One boutique automotive firm has decided to blend a Hummer-style body and features with an all-electric powertrain, creating a Hummer for a new generation.

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SpaceX Mars mission will fly on methane

Elon Musk, founder and CEO of SpaceX, says that the missions to Mars by his company will use rockets powered by methane, which can be manufactured on the Red Planet. The announcement came last as the South-African born entrepreneur was giving a lecture in November to the Royal Aeronautical Society in London, where he was presented with the Gold Medal – the society's highest award.

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Victorinox updates its Night Vision Swiss Army watch-flashlight

Victorinox is known around the world for multifunction, thanks to its line of iconic Swiss Army knives that do every task a small piece of stainless steel could ever be expected to do. The Night Vision is a different type of Swiss Army multifunction: a watch with a useful secondary role.

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Kangaroo Water Bottle has a compartment for your essentials

Perhaps you're a runner whose shorts don't have pockets – or, they have pockets, but you don't want things bouncing around and/or getting sweat-soaked in there as you run. If that's the case, you might like Contigo's storage-compartment-equipped Kangaroo Water Bottle.

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Chevy announces pricing and release window for 2014 Impala

We first talked about the 2014 Impala back before the SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) show, but details on the car were pretty sparse. Now, Chevy has come along with plenty of new information about the car, as well as a price and an approximate release window.

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PAT system helps homeless people keep their appointments

Homeless people face a multitude of challenges daily, which can make keeping even important appointments very difficult. A new project, dubbed the "Personal Appointment Ticketing service" (or PAT), hopes to make this easier with a new inexpensive method of printing out personalized appointment cards.

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Free version of Minecraft heading to Raspberry Pi

Minecraft developer Mojang has announced that a free edition of its open-world build-em-up is set for the Raspberry Pi.

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Oncle Sam popcorn machine pops one piece at a time

Oncle Sam is a popcorn machine art installation which focuses on popping corn one kernel at a time, allowing the user to partake of a tasty snack without consuming too many calories.

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Wearable microchip monitors vital signs, draws power from cell phones

Monitoring medical vital signs requires expensive, bulky equipment, but this could soon change thanks to a sensor being developed for the market that is so small it could be embedded on bandage. The microchip was created by electrical engineers at Oregon State University and is ready for clinical trials while a patent is currently being processed.

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Robot sea turtle takes first dip in the pool

In early October we took a look at the naro - tartaruga, a biomimetic robot based on sea turtles being built by researchers at ETH Zurich (the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). It's a research platform that tests the concept of fin propulsion, and now we have a video of its first swim, which is surprisingly life-like.

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